Gentil Memória Vol.1

Editorial, Art Direction

This catalogue and expo supports a project about the history of Jaguaruna, Santa Catarina - Brazil, through the lens of photographer Gentil Reynaldo between 1940 and 1980. The catalogue and expo share the same editorial style identity. Modular 1x0,7m PVC plaques designed to be applied standing or on walls.

ISBN 978-65-991455-0-6
Softcover 56-page booklet catalogue.
Double black ink on offset paper.
Printed in 2020.


Year: 2020
Client: Gentil Memoria Project
Director, Editor, Producer, Curator: Guilherme Reynaldo
Photos: Gentil Reynaldo Archive
Archive: Leandro Melo — L3ProjetosCulturais
Designer, Curator: Marcos BG
Copywriting, Proofreading: Luciano Burin

© 2025